Stories live within us. It is the very nature of humanity to tell stories.

Stories From the Heart
Stories From the Heart
Stavaris is a massive land full of creatures beyond our own realm’s imagination. Various kingdoms worship various giant monsters who either bless or curse those who choose or refuse to do their bidding. Countless wars have broken the land, and countless places have been given up to the massive Everbeasts. Despite all of the vastness of Stavaris, the countless stories within it are about people, no more grand than you or I…minus a few magical differences, of course.
Folider’s Point was once a wholesome theme park beloved by the countless families who visited. It seems the theme park has become far from what it once was, obscured by darkness, enjoyed by menacing denizens rather than the joyful families who once entered the gates. Pigeon Jay Pearce feels a connection to the theme park, although he has never been. It calls to him. Just as it calls to you.
Kilmer O’Connor is a detective and gunslinger, trusted to find those countless in number who have gone missing from his little town in Arizona. He has found a connection strung between all of those who have gone missing: they all either left to go towards—or went missing around—the godforsaken Blood Desert. Legend speaks of a town which resides under a ridge as dark and as red as fresh blood.
Overmorrow, Arizona is a city overrun with evil and corruption, hiding just beneath the surface, unseen by most. The Firesiders are gifted with a supernatural and subliminal armor, providing them with protection as they enter the deep mindscape within Overmorrow. They must battle their demons and restore the armor to what it once was, or let their city fall into an ever-expanding darkness.